Patrick Shafto

Pat Shafto

My lab, cv, and papers.

Professor of Math and Computer Science

I am Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Rutgers - Newark. I have appointments in Psychology, Rutgers Business School, and the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience (CMBN) at Rutgers Newark and am an affiliate member of the Department of Computer Science and the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science (RUCCS) in New Brunswick.

Program Manager, DARPA (2023-present)

I am a program manager at DARPA in I2O developing and leading investigations into the mathematical and scientific foundations of AI to address major societal challenges.

Founder and Scientist-at-large, Redpoll (2019-present)

I am a founder and Scientist-at-large at Redpoll, a company dedicated to human-centered machine learning and AI for safety-intensive applications.

Awards, honors, and busyness
